Coaching for Individuals
I am offering 3 packages for individual coaching. Please select the package that you feel will work with your current needs and schedule. If you are not sure what package is right for you, contact me and we can discuss.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Quick Refresh
With this package, you will complete a Health History and we will use that as our basis for setting a few goals and coming up with an action plan for you to complete on your own. This includes 2 sessions with me and unlimited email correspondence.
Reboot Time
Whether it’s the start of the new calendar year or Spring is starting and the days are getting longer, it always seems like a great time to set new goals and establish new routines. In this package, we will meet 6 times over the course of 3 months.
New Beginning
Sometimes 6 months is just what you need to start a whole new you. We will start our first session with a Health History that will help guide us on your health and wellness journey. This package includes 12 sessions and unlimited email correspondence.
Quick Refresh
1 month of one-on-one health coaching
We will meet 2 times for 50 minutes via Zoom.
This package includes unlimited email correspondence.
The Investment:
Payable in full upon booking your first session.
Reboot Time
3 months of one-on-one health coaching
We will meet 6 times for 50 minutes via Zoom.
This package includes unlimited email correspondence.
The Investment:
Payable in full upon booking your first session.
New Beginning
6 months of one-on-one health coaching
We will meet 12 times for 50 minutes via Zoom.
This package includes unlimited email correspondence and phone calls.
The Investment:
$900 pay in full
$150 a month